18 Greatest Moments In Every MCU Movie (So Far) - Ranked

15. Thor Proves Himself Worthy - Thor (2011)

Thor Sacrifice
Marvel Studios

The Film

Kenneth Branagh's blend of theatricality and spectacle and the perfect casting of both Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth worked a lot better than it ever should have, which is why the sequel was so disappointing.

It's a self-conscious reappropriation of the Crocodile Dundee spirit with Loki as Branagh's Iago and Chris Hemsworth as a sort of Norse jock.

The Moment

Having been expelled from Asgard for his arrogance and for breaking an ancient truce, Thor finds himself face-to-face with Loki's Destroyer who makes short work of the Warriors Three and is about to kill them when Thor sacrifices himself.

It's the first real hero moment in the MCU and it works exceptionally well, transforming Thor (and proving his worthiness) at the end of an enjoyable spectacle.

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