18 Insanely Messed Up Movies You Might Not Be Able To Handle

5. The House That Jack Built

The House That Jack Built
IFC Films

At first, it seemed inevitable that the aforementioned Suspiria would be 2018's most depraved movie... but that was before The House That Jack Built.

This is the latest film by Lars von Trier, who's exceptionally good at depressing and disgusting an entire audience and with this movie he did that once again. Compared to this, 2009's Antichrist looks like an easy ride and at Cannes, at least 100 people walked out.

The House That Jack Built focuses on a serial killer (Matt Dillon) and shows five murders, while philosophical conversations between Jack and Verge (Bruno Ganz) are heard in voice-over over various clips and images in-between the incidents. Obviously a well-researched film, House is a realistic work (aside from the final half-hour), which makes it even more painful to watch.

House is a HORRIBLE film. Not only is it highly gruesome, especially when Jack is shooting two little boys in the head or cutting a woman's breasts off (partly on-screen), but it's a really sad and nihilistic film which will depress the hell out of you.

Thanks to strong performances, Trier's excellent direction and the meaningful, philosophical and insightful script, this is a good film that does reward your endurance but nevertheless, it's a movie anyone should be very careful about watching. It really is about as upsetting as movies get.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.