18 Insanely Messed Up Movies You Might Not Be Able To Handle

15. Battle Royale II: Requiem

The House That Jack Built
Toei Company

It might seem surprising to put the sequel on here over the wonderful original, but Battle Royale II: Requiem is actually harder to watch. This isn't because of the graphic violence or how utterly dreadful it is, but because it's one of the most offensive films ever made.

In a new Battle Royale game, a class is told to kill terrorist Nanahara Shuya, the original's protagonist, and his terror group the Wild Seven, which includes other Battle Royale survivors and is fighting the Japanese government; the class eventually joins them instead. What's so bad about that?

Well, Shuya went Afghanistan after fleeing Japan and, upon his return, the Wild Seven's goal is to fight adults and the government through bombings... including one on a Tokyo financial centre with two big skyscrapers in it.

That's right. The Wild Seven represents Al-Qaeda. And this came out only two years after 9/11.

Since it depicts a group of mass murderers who've killed hundreds of innocent people as noble, heroic freedom fighters and essentially glorifies terrorism, Requiem is easily one of the most repugnant, insidiously vile films you'll ever watch. It also romanticises a war-torn Afghanistan in comparison to Japan and Shuya describes wanting to fight to make sure Japanese children can smile the open smiles of Afghanistan's children.... seriously?

The one silver lining? It hasn't been widely seen in the West. If many American viewers had seen this they'd probably have been appalled and who could blame them?


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.