18 Most Terrifying Disney & Pixar Movie Moments

16. The Underworld

Film: Hercules The Underworld is a scary enough place on its own, what with all of the anguished souls, the skeleton porters and that giant nasty three headed dog. But what made the place even worse, was when it was containing Meg's soul and Hercules had to save her. Hercules makes a deal with Hades that as long as Meg can live, he will take her place in the Underworld. Of course Hades agrees, because Hades hates Hercules and it's sort of a win-win situation for him, especially since Hades believes that Hercules will die before he can even reach Meg. Hercules dives into the pool of lost souls where his body transforms and he begins to wither and decay, all before he's even had the chance to reach Meg. While all of this is going on, the Fates are snip happy with their scissor, which are about to cut through Hercules' life thread. CHILDREN AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH THESE ISSUES.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com