19 Best Movies Starring Marvel Actors In 2015 (Ranked From Worst To Best)

8. The Hateful Eight - Samuel L. Jackson

Rotten Tomatoes score: 75% Quentin Tarantino is a man who needs no introduction. One of the most recognisable and respected filmmakers of all time, QT has steadily churned out stellar films (Death Proof may be the exception) to a hungry audience salivating for their next romp of ultra-violence and snappy dialogue. His latest is no different. Taking place after the American Civil War, eight strangers seek refuge from a blizzard within a stopover for stagecoaches. As the title suggests, they are all ornery bastards and not necessarily likeable, so don't be expecting sympathetic traits. Among the awesome cast, Jackson plays former union soldier turned bounty hunter Major Marquis Warren, flanked by other Tarantino stalwarts like Tim Roth and Michael Madsen. Interestingly, The Hateful Eight is Tarantino's most subdued film to date; it's very dialogue heavy thanks to it being a whole bunch of characters in one room for the majority of the run time. Still, if you're going into a Tarantino movie and not expecting a ton of self-congratulating dialogue then it's probably time to move out from under that rock and get a little Vitamin D. You should see this if: you love Tarantino films and are prepared to watch a script for the theater be translated to the big screen without many changes.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.