19 Best Movies Starring Marvel Actors In 2015 (Ranked From Worst To Best)

14. In The Heart Of The Sea - Chris Hemsworth

Rotten Tomatoes score: 43% Directed by Richie from Happy Days, In The Heart Of The Sea is not a rom-com about two lovers who find eternal happiness within one another whilst on a cruise ship in the Bahamas. No, it is a movie depicting the real-life maritime disaster that would go on to inspire Herman Melville€™s Moby-Dick. Set in the winter of 1820, the whaling ship Essex was assaulted by an unbelievable force of nature: a whale of ridiculous size who seemed to hold a grudge against the people slaughtering other members of its species, for some uncanny reason. Hemsworth plays veteran whaler Owen Chase, a man determined to bring the whale in so that it may pay for the assault of the Essex, resulting in what would have to be a very awkward police line-up. A sea adventure with a pinch of cannibalism for good measure, In The Heart Of The Sea was described by Hemsworth as €˜physically and emotionally the hardest movie€™ that he has ever been a part of. This is a man who is famous for portraying a Norse God so it€™s safe to bet that he means it. You should see this if: you miss the feel of watching a classic adventure but are okay with the fact that this is definitely not going to become a classic, although it clearly desires to become one.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.