20 Action Films From The 1990s You Must Watch

2. The Matrix (1999)

Hard Boiled John Woo
Warner Bros.

It may have come at the tail end of the decade, but the Wachowski’s cyberpunk sci-fi proved to be a cinematic experience unlike anything audiences had seen before.

Keanu Reeves stars as the computer hacker Thomas Anderson, who goes by the alias “Neo” and discovers the truth; humans are being used as a power source for machines in the real world while they live out their lives in an artificial world known as the Matrix. With the help of Morpheus and Trinity, played by Lawrence Fishburne and Carrie Anne-Moss respectfully, Neo must navigate the Matrix while avoiding the deadly agents, like Agent Smith played by Hugo Weaving.

The film has deep themes concerning reality, religion and mythology woven wonderfully into an incredibly ambitious action packed spectacle. Inspired by Japanese animation films like Ghost in a Shell and martial arts films, The Matrix uses fight choreographers and wire fu techniques from Hong Kong action films and combines them effortlessly with modern firearms and the iconic bullet time effects.

Some of the story may be hard to wrap your head around, but there is no doubt that you will enjoy your time in The Matrix.

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Action Films
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I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.