20 Awesome 2015 Movies You Might've Missed

13. Turbo Kid

The Plot: in a post-apocalyptic, alternate reality 1997, a kid (Munro Chambers) assumes the identity of his favourite comic book superhero in order to get revenge on the man who killed his parents, Zeus (Michael Ironside). Why It's Awesome: Though many 80s homage movies tend to get too self-aware and cynical, Turbo Kid is pure joy from start to finish, a gory, hilarious riff on the decade's B-movies, and on its own terms a unique superhero movie quite like nothing anyone else is serving up right now. Despite the evidently low-budget, it's stylish as hell, benefiting from a moody synth score, sharp cinematography and solid visual effects. It's also blessed with a memorable villainous performance from legendary character actor lronside, and boasts a little more depth than most retro throwback flicks tend to. Please, please make a sequel, guys.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.