20 Awesome Movies You Didn't Know Were Still Coming In 2020

18. Run

The Midnight Sky George Clooney

Writer-director Aneesh Chaganty follows up his acclaimed "shared screen" movie Searching with another low-budget thriller which nevertheless ditches the tech-centric gimmick for a more conventional format.

Sarah Paulson stars as Diane Sherman, an overprotective mother who just might be keeping a dark secret from her wheelchair-bound daughter Chloe (Kiera Allen).

Paulson certainly seems to be in prime swinging-for-the-fences mode here, and if the trailers perhaps seem to suggest a few obviously signposted twists, Chaganty's previous work in the genre means we're likely being misled with a few barmy red herrings.

Either way, it looks like a deftly crafted, well-acted genre offering to cosy up with later this year.

Run releases on Hulu on November 20th.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.