20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

2. Predator (1987)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
20th Century Fox

"If it bleeds, we can kill it."

Even though he didn't have time to bleed, Jesse Ventura's Blain nonetheless found time to have a hole blown in his chest by the Predator, which caused the movie's team of elite commandos to fire a ridiculously high amount of ammunition directly into the rainforest despite not being able to see anything, in a scene that probably still causes nightmares for environmentalists everywhere.

Although Dutch and company empty thousands of rounds into the nearby foliage, their extra-terrestrial nemesis comes away with but a scratch, leaving evidence of its fluorescent green blood on some nearby leaves. The fact that their highly-trained, incredibly advanced and invisible enemy is capable of being injured is good news given the circumstances, with Schwarzenegger's reaction resulting in one of the most popular and widely-quoted lines of dialogue from his whole filmography.


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