20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

17. The Running Man (1987)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet

"You cold-blooded bastard! I'll tell you what I think of it: I'll live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!"

Whereas most of Arnie's signature movie quotes are short, sharp and to the point, his rant at Richard Dawson's Damon Killian is perhaps the most verbose and eloquent of his big-screen outbursts, not to mention pretty awesome. After being goaded by Killian, Schwarzenegger's Ben Richards rips a monitor from a wall and proceeds to deliver his threat directly into the camera, which is definitely something that would make reality television a lot more interesting.

Only Arnold Schwarzenegger could deliver such an epic threat while wearing a yellow spandex jumpsuit and not come across as a complete idiot, with the bad-assery only confirmed by the property damage caused when he destroys the monitor. While Richards didn't quite rip out Killian's spine, he did strap him to a rocket-powered sled and fire him through a billboard, which is close enough really.


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