20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

18. Total Recall (1990)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
TriStar Pictures

"Benny! Screw you!"

After being betrayed by his driver Benny, who may or may not have had five kids to feed, Schwarzenegger's Douglas Quaid finally gets his revenge on the traitorous mutant, in an incredibly over-the-top manner that was perfectly fitting for Paul Verhoeven's sci-fi extravaganza.

With Benny now working for the villainous Cohaagen, he is sent in hot pursuit of Quaid and his love interest Melina, finally tracking them down after they have escaped to the subterranean mines of Mars. Of course, not even a gigantic excavation machine is a match for Arnie, who gets his revenge on his former ally by impaling him in bloody fashion with an over-sized drill and delivers a wonderfully cheesy pun in the process.


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