20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

15. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
TriStar Pictures

"Come with me if you want to live."

One of the signature lines of the Terminator franchise, "Come with me if you want to live" has been said by Kyle Reese (The Terminator, Terminator Salvation), Cameron Phillips (The Sarah Connor Chronicles), Sarah Connor herself (Terminator Genisys) and is nearly (but not quite) said by John Connor in Rise Of The Machines. However, the best delivery of the line comes from the T-800 in James Cameron's classic sequel.

In rescuing Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor from the clutches of the T-1000 at the mental hospital she is hellbent on escaping, the dialogue both calls back to the original movie, and furthers the idea that the sequel has turned the premise on its head. In extending his hand and delivering the line, the T-800 establishes himself as both a hero and protector, despite the fact that Sarah Connor looks like she's about to s**t herself when the character first appears in the hospital.


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