20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

14. Predator (1987)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
20th Century Fox

"Come on! Kill me! I'm here! Do it now! Kill me!"

If a dread-locked extra-terrestrial with mandible jaws and extremely advanced weaponry had eliminated your entire unit of highly-trained commandos, goading it into killing you probably isn't a good idea. Then again Major Alan 'Dutch' Schaeffer isn't your average soldier, taking on the Predator in good old-fashioned guerrilla warfare.

In an attempt to lure his adversary into a trap, Dutch eggs on the space-Rasta into taking him out, but unfortunately the Predator sees through his chicanery, stepping out of harm's way and moving in for the kill. Or so you would think, for little more than ten seconds later the Predator has been pancaked by a strategically-placed trap, securing a victory for the human race in the process.


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