20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

12. Total Recall (1990)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet

"Consider that a divorce."

Only a character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger would be able to have his entire life turned upside down, discover that his very existence is nothing but implanted memories, shoot the woman he thought was his wife in the head and still be able to deliver a well-timed quip.

Far from the devoted spouse she claims to be, Sharon Stone's Lori is actually a highly-trained undercover operative tasked with keeping Arnie's Douglas Quaid in check, something that she ultimately fails at after her 'husband's' ill-advised trip to Rekall. With Quaid now unraveling the conspiracy surrounding his activities on Mars, Lori reveals herself as an accomplice of Cohaagen, beating the crap out of Quaid's new love interest Melina in the process. After trying to distract him by playing the "we're married card", Lori instead ends up with a head full of lead.


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