20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

13. Kindergarten Cop (1990)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
Universal Pictures

"It's not a toomah!!!"

A fan favorite amongst Arnold Schwarzenegger's filmography and a staple of Saturday afternoon television schedules for over two decades, Kindergarten Cop is a family-friendly comedy that is peculiarly book-ended by scenes of violence unsuited for younger audiences. Outside of the body-count however, it nonetheless remains one of the Austrian Oak's most quotable movies.

In an attempt to play a game of 'who is your daddy and what does he do?', undercover cop John Kimble is then asked several questions by his young charges about what his father did, whether it be a fireman, a wrestler or a basketball coach. Upon exclaiming that he has a headache, one of the children asks if it might in fact be a tumor. Arnie's thick-accented response is nothing short of hilarious, and has become one of his most widely-quoted lines.


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