20 Best Easter Eggs In 2015 Movies

5. Johnny's Fire Flower - Fantastic Four

Yes it was pretty bad, but Fantastic Four doesn't deserve to be considered the worst film of 2015. It was just a frustrating misfire that unfortunately suggested that there's no life in Marvel's first family as a screen prospect. That isn't true, but it's unlikely anyone is going to rush to cinemas to see the next attempt unless it's made by Marvel. Anyway, the film does include one of the most geek-friendly Eggs of the year. When Johnny Storm is introduced before his street race (because Fast And Furious makes a ton of money, presumably), there's a prophetic Easter Egg hanging from his rear-view mirror: a Super Mario Fire Flower. That of course is the item that turns Mario from a mild mannered plumber into a fire-shooting Hellion, which is basically exactly what also happens to Johnny. Only minus the plumbing bit.

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