20 Best Film Directors Of The Decade (So Far)

15. Ben Wheatley

Best Directors
Drafthouse Films

2010s Films: Kill List, Sightseers, A Field In England, High-Rise

Upcoming Projects: Free Fire

You can't accuse Ben Wheatley of taking things easy. He works at a rate that would make all but Woody Allen's head spin (he'll have two movies released in 2016 alone) and consistently produces films that challenge preconceived notions of cinema and "enjoyment".

He'd made Down Terrace in 2009, but his name was defined by Kill List, an oppressively creepy film with one of the most distressing third act swerves imaginable. Since then, it's been a case of jumping from one hair-brained project to another and nailing it - blackest comedy Sightseers, messed-up thriller A Field In England and psychedelic social satire High-Rise. The latter was particularly impressive as it showed that, even with increased budget, scale and cast he could still acheive the same anarchic stylings.

The only real knock against his is that his two Doctor Who episodes were oddly indistinct.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.