20 Best Movie Deaths Of 2015

5. Zara's Brutal End - Jurassic World

Easily one of the most controversial movie deaths of the year was Zara (Katie McGrath), the assistant to Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) who was assigned to essentially babysit her nephews (Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson) at Jurassic World for the day. However, she eventually loses track of them as all hell breaks loose, and just as she manages to catch up to them, she's snatched up by a Pteranodon, who lifts her high into the air and then passes her to another nearby Pteranodon, before she's dropped into the Mosasaurus' water tank. The Pteranodons continue to toy with her, lifting her up and then dropping her back into the water, before the Mosasaurus has apparently had enough and launches out of the water, devouring both Zara and the Pteranodon in one massive snap of its jaws. The death received a lot of criticism because of the perceived cruelty directed at a character who didn't deserve it: the movie made pains to illustrate that she was planning her wedding, and lingered excessively on the brutality of her demise, making it seem rather harsh and unnecessary for a PG-13 movie aimed at children. Some have argued that it just illustrates the viciousness of nature, but whether you like the scene or not, it's an undeniably savage and memorable death scene.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.