20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

11. Desi Collings - Gone Girl (2014)

Desi Collings Death Gone Girl
20th Century Fox

Let's be honest here, there's pretty much no character in David Fincher's Gone Girl who we spend any real amount of time with that you'd consider a "good" person. Everyone has some major character flaw - whether it's narcissism, greed, adulterous desires or being a big old psychopathic murderer in secret - so you have to adjust your moral compass to watch it.

The genius of the film is that you actually find yourself ADMIRING the smart plan laid out by Rosamund Pike's Amy as she fakes her own death and implicates her cheating, aloof husband. And then, just when it looks like he's going to prison for her murder, she decides he's worth another chance, so flips her plan, framing Desi, her former lover (who has an obsession with her) for kidnapping and rape and seduces him, before slashing his throat and "escaping" his home drenched in his blood.

It's brutal and the fact that she can be so casual with life to suit her agendas - and that she gets away with it - is as confusing as it is weirdly exhilarating.

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Gone Girl
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