20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

12. Yondu Udonta - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

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Marvel Studios

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes it takes them a long time to show their true colours. Such was the tale of Yondu Udonta (Michael Rooker), who started off bad, went a little bit worse and then ended up breaking everyone's hearts with a single, stunning moment of heroism.

At the end of the second Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu had lost his ship and most of his crew (with all of his loyalists killed in front of him) but he'd gained a lot more character depth and complexity and - more importantly - a son. Well, more accurately, he confirmed that he'd been the father Peter Quill assumed he was missing his whole life.

In his final moment, Yondu sacrificed himself, giving his life to save Peter and telling him he had always been his daddy. It's touching and beautiful and hit all of the right notes.

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Gone Girl
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