20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

15. Dobby - Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part I (2010)

Harry Potter Dobby death
Warner Bros.

Who would have thought that a little CGI creature with big silly eyes and daft floppy ears who wears a potato sack and is consciously the most annoying thing about the movie he debuts in would break so many hearts?

Dobby was one of the most tragic figures in Harry Potter from the moment he arrived. Cursed to live the life of a enslaved House Elf - and doubly so by working for the Malfoys - he gained his freedom thanks to Harry and then turned up right at the last to return the favour. Only Bellatrix Lestrange had different ideas and as he zapped his friends away to safety, she got one last fatal hit in.

Watching the life eke out of his little broken body on the beach as he happily talked about being with his friends - the only thing he ever aspired to - was the stuff quivvering bottom lips are made of.

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