20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

14. Agatha - Paranorman (2012)

Paranorman Agatha

So much for kids movies being easy going.

Then again, expecting anything conventional and traditionally child-friendly from Laika - the company behind Coraline - was always going to be foolish. They were are darker and more mature than Pixar and there's an edgier spirit to their movies (for the most part) that feels like a tribute to Tim Burton's similarly macabre story-telling.

Paranorman's tale of a kid "blessed" with the ability to see ghosts is some of their best work with genuine heart, an eye for classic B-movie tropes and a real creep factor. And at its climax, we get to see the cause of Norman's home town haunting, when we see the backstory of the villainous witch terrorising the town and it turns out she was no more than a little girl tragically murdered by townsfolk scared of her own magical powers.

It's a stunning revelation and a deeply sad one and the fact that it comes in THIS film and using THIS medium is even more impressive.

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Gone Girl
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