20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

13. Sebastian Shaw - X-Men: First Class (2011)

X-Men First Class Sebastian Shaw Coin kevin Bacon
20th Century Fox

The X-Men franchise has seen some pretty heinous villains, but Kevin Bacon's Sebastian Shaw was arguably its most viscerally affecting. He had a way of really getting under your skin - mostly thanks to the glee with which he took to experimenting on his own kind as a Nazi scientist. Watching him torment a young Magneto before going full supervillain a couple of decades later was one of the best parts of First Class.

After watching Magneto wrestle with the morally complex question of his own purpose for almost the entire movie, he's unable - or unwilling - to put aside Charles Xavier's calming teaching and allows himself to avenge the murder of his mother. And he does it in some style, forcing the same coin that Erik had failed to move as a child, leading to Shaw killing his mother through Shaw's skull agonisingly slowly.

It's haunting and awful but it's hard not to think Shaw got exactly what he had coming.

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