20 Best Movie Taglines Of All Time

8. Ghostbusters

Columbia Pictures

The tagline: ‘Who ya gonna call?’

Has any movie in recent times suffered such a vehement pre-release backlash as the all-female Ghostbusters reboot?

There were plenty of DC fanboys (and many more considered, non-judgemental moviegoers) going to bat for Batman V Superman prior to its release, whereas the new Ghostbusters has but a pocket of defenders, some of whom (rightly) cite misogyny as a pertinent factor.

But an overriding sense of imminent disappointment prevails nonetheless, and that’s because the original Ghostbusters is just so damn perfect that a reboot is practically a fool’s errand.

And the theme song by Ray Parker Jr. was damn perfect too. A shameless rip-off of Huey Lewis hit ‘I Want a New Drug’ it may be, but the remix that’s featured in the trailers for the new Ghostbusters is the only element that’s been warmly received across the board.

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I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.