20 Best Movies Of 2018

18. Searching

Searching John Cho
Screen Gems

If you thought the "shared screen" movie had nothing to offer beyond the trashy thrills of the Unfriended series, think again.

This smart and unexpectedly poignant detective thriller gives John Cho the role of his career as a father desperately racing to track down his missing daughter (Michelle La).

From a jaw-dropping opening sequence which has earned justified comparisons to the heartbreaking prologue from Up, Searching makes the most of its gimmicky concept, with writer-director Aneesh Chaganty demonstrating a sharp understanding for how technology works in 2018.

The twists and turns just keep piling up, and thanks to Cho's committed performance, the tension is consistently palpable. Plus, there's plenty of fun to be had watching the movie a second time and picking out all the clues leading to the various reveals.

Don't be surprised if this is the best movie of its kind in a good while.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.