20 Best Movies Of 2022 (So Far)

14. The Sadness

Everything Everywhere All at Once Michelle Yeoh
Raven Banner Entertainment

Though the zombie movie might feel pretty overdone in 2022, Taiwanese horror film The Sadness injects fresh, highly disturbing new life into it with its singular perspective of an undead apocalypse.

As familiar as the setup might be, what differentiates The Sadness from other zombie movies is its absolutely merciless examination of the visceral, dehumanising nature of such a plague.

In this case, the infection turns victims into raging, homicidal maniacs whose actions reflect the most primal, effed-up desires of humanity, from violent conquest to sexual assault.

It's deeply disturbing and will be undeniably triggering for many, but if you're able to stomach its vision this is one of the most unique zombie movies of recent years, and one which restores teeth to a genre that too often treats the undead with flippancy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.