20 Best Movies Of 2024 (So Far)

4. The Taste Of Things

Best 2024 Movies So Far

The Taste of Things is a romance about a gourmand who falls in love with a fellow cook on a beautiful estate in 1889 France, and the results of its love story are as nourishing as the plentiful food that fills the screen scene after scene. 

Starring French screen icons Juliette Binoche and Benoit Magimel as the film's entangled pair, in arguably the most tender performances of their careers, The Taste of Things covers every aspect of its love story with good humour, splashes of heartache, delectable cuisine, and sweeping scenery. 

A film you watch and instantly want to live in, it follows a predictable enough path until it finds a way, subtly and with great care, to subvert expectations in the most magical of ways, and right up until its uplifting final shot it glides through its twists like a dream. 

If you watch any romantic drama this year - and we've been given plenty to choose from! - make it this one. It's a meal you'll be happy you tried. 

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