20 BEST Movies On Disney+

13. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Avengers Endgame
Warner Bros.

While there could be many an argument made that Civil War was the best the Captain America franchise had to offer, the second solo project for the Cap has just pipped it for this list. The fusing of espionage and action is perfect throughout, with the stunning twist that Hydra has infiltrated Shield proving a real game changer for the whole MCU.

Chris Evans realises the growing character development of our lead man, finally challenging his employer's motives and not being happy in simply following orders. The return of his best friend Bucky Barnes is just one of a number of curveballs presented in the film, making the Captain and the audience question everything we thought we knew.

The only constant we have is Captain America and his new friend Sam Wilson who takes up the mantle of new Avenger Falcon by film's end. All other characters are under suspicion, including Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow.

The action sequences are some of the best produced in the MCU, the battles between Captain America and Barnes' brainwashed Winter Soldier persona the pick of the lot. The blockbuster finale ain't half bad either, more Action than espionage in nature, but every bit as gripping.

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