20 Best Movies Starring The Friends Cast

8. Kabluey (Lisa Kudrow)

Kabluey Lisa Kudrow
Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group

Lisa Kudrow's first starring movie following the conclusion of Friends was in indie drama Kabluey, playing Leslie, woman struggling to keep her house in order (literally) after her soldier husband is sent back to the Middle East.

Kudrow stars opposite writer-director Scott Prendergast, who plays her drifter brother, in an endearingly quirky dark comedy which covers many of the expected themes, namely the importance of family, and a couple of unexpected ones too - such as the death of the middle-class in America.

Though the film very much belongs to Prendergast's likeable Salman, Kudrow does a remarkable job of towing the line, resolving her character's more eyebrow-raising behaviours with her own inherent affability as an actress.

Not essential cinema by any means, but Kabluey clearly deserves far more attention than it's ever received. If you know anyone who has seen this film, give them a high five.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.