20 Best Movies Starring The Friends Cast

9. Clockwatchers (Lisa Kudrow)

Clockwatchers Lisa Kudrow Parker Posey Toni Collette
BMG Independents

Two years before the release of Office Space, there was Clockwatchers, an altogether less-wacky and more grounded riff on the humdrum existence of downtrodden office workers, with a distaff twist no less.

Lisa Kudrow stars alongside Parker Posey, Lisa Kudrow, and Alanna Ubach as a quartet of office drones subject to daily humiliation in their depressingly mundane office jobs.

Toni Collette is a far and away the MVP as Iris, the shy temp who slowly learns to self-actualise, but the chemistry between the four central characters is what really makes the film work.

Given that writer-director Jill Sprecher could so easily have made Clockwatchers a more broad and commercial-skewing comedy, it's so refreshing that the end result is a more oppressively true-to-life drama than that - if still tenaciously entertaining in its own right.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.