20 Best Movies Starring The Friends Cast

2. Office Space (Jennifer Aniston)

Office Space Jennifer Aniston

Mike Judge's Office Space is one of the greatest movie satires of the last 20-or-so years, a spot-on thumbing of the nose at corporate office culture, and a deeply relatable mockery of the dehumanising effect it has on employees.

There isn't a single aspect of this film that doesn't work harmoniously with the whole: the tone, the one-liners, and the increasingly absurd plot are all complimented superbly by the note-perfect casting throughout.

The easy standouts are Stephen Root as put-upon office drone Milton, Gary Cole as the mega-a**hole boss Bill Lumbergh, and John C. McGinley as business consultant Bob Slydell, though there's also an early irreverent part for Jennifer Aniston as protagonist Peter's (Ron Livingston) girlfriend Joanna.

It was refreshing to see Aniston playing a more effervescent and down-to-Earth character than usual - one who hates her waitress job and isn't afraid to say it.

She brings a ton of charm to the film in her supporting role, and ensures the workplace comedy is relatable to far more than mere office workers.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.