20 Best Sci-Fi Horror Movies Of The 21st Century

8. Annihilation

Splice Dren

The second Alex Garland vehicle on this list (what can I say? The man writes good sci-fi), Annihilation was met with some raised eyebrows when it was released.

Adapted from the novel of the same name, 2018's film version is a bit of a weird one.

A visually impressive feat, but still a weird concept.

Following a team of all-female experts in different fields as they head into a secret government site known as Area X, it's not long before things start going awry.

Without wishing to spoil, think... The Thing, but not to the letter.

Replace "unknown alien life-force" with "actually not really sure what this thing is" and the usual mistrust, doppelganger and pseudo-clone plot, and it's essentially the same.

Alright, it's not. But it's hard to really explain Annihilation without giving too much away. But it is bolstered by the exploration team, with Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Leigh delivering great performances throughout.

Recurring Garland favourite Oscar Isaac also delivers a stellar supporting role, but the less said about his character, the better.

Come for the trippy visuals, stay for the equally trippy story.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.