20 Best Selling Blu-Rays Of All Time

4. The Avengers

Total Copies Sold: 5,078,554 Although they haven't gone with the same limited time release plan as they do with their animated movies, since Disney brought Marvel they've been very smart with how they market the superhero studio's DVDs. Rather than having them start at a premium and quickly dip in price, the films all maintain a strong mid-price value years after release. While they're always available, it helps push this illusion of added quality. So not only is The Avengers the fourth best-selling Blu-Ray, in terms of cash made it's one place higher. You'd be a bit disgruntled to pay top dollar for Iron Man 2 and get a substandard film buckling under too many plot threads, but in the case of The Avengers it would be hard to be disappointed. Making superhero movies fun before Guardians Of The Galaxy was even a glint in Kevin Feige's eye, if you haven't seen the film we have to doubt why you're even on this site. Notice that it has over a million more sales than Star Trek just one place below; we've stepped from big success to flat out phenomenon. Which may make the third spot a little bit of a surprise.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.