20 Best & Worst Movies From 2015 Oscar Nominees

2. Eddie Redmayne

Best: The Theory Of Everything (2014) For a performance that could very easily have been dismissed as an emotional gimmick and shameless Oscar-bait, Redmayne's take on Professor Steven Hawking was an utterly spell-binding, entirely devastating marvel, and it deserves the highest accolades. Rather than simply mimicking movements and speech patterns, Redmayne channelled Hawking's spirit, capturing the unique twinkle in his eye of both intellect and mischief, which is some achievement. Worst: Jupiter Ascending (2015) Jupiter Ascending might not be the worst film of the past 15 years, and it might - overall - not even be the worst complete product Redmayne has ever acted in, but it's without a doubt his worst performance. It's over-the-top, grotesque and hammy, and unfortunately it manages to make one of the most watchable actors currently working into a pantomime caricature.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.