20 Biggest Mistakes In The DCEU So Far

18. Batman Kills People (Batman V Superman)

Batman V Superman Batman Gun
Warner Bros.

Few creative decisions in Batman v Superman received quite as much negative publicity as Batman's wanton killing of criminals, ranging from branding criminals which led to their deaths in prison, to straight-up crushing people in cars, and even shooting Anatoli Knyazev's flamethrower gas tank, causing him to explode.

There is certainly a version of this movie that could've aptly painted Batman as a hyper-conservative vigilante following Superman and Zod's Metropolis battle, but the film barely touches on this or the extremity of his actions, largely taking them at face value despite how horrifying they frequently are.

At least it's been implied that Justice League will address Bruce Wayne's wayward antics, and having him fight against Parademons rather than humans is a pretty smart and convenient way to make sure he doesn't kill any more humans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.