20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

11. Rhomann Dey

Like Glenn Close, John C. Reilly portrayed a Nova Corps member who was very different to the version seen in the comic books. In his case, it was Rhomann Day. In the comic books, he was the leader of the Nova Corps and an active member of their fighting forces. He was an athletic Xandarian with a relatively young appearance and had all the powers of a Nova Corps leader - the ability to augment and enhance his own physical statistics, energy blasts and absorption, flight and so on. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was an older looking Xandarian (and a less physically fit looking guy) who was a Corpsman. This was a relatively high-ranking position and meant that he was giving instructions rather than participating in battles and he never displayed any powers as a result. He was promoted to the role of Denarian, giving him more responsibility, by the end of the Guardians Of The Galaxy. It should be noted that Peter Serafinowicz's character, Denarian Saal, was so different from Nova Omegan/Garthan Saal that it's hard to even say that he was based on the same character - otherwise he would have been on this list too. He was more like a character created for the movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.