20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

9. Kurse

Kurse was the secondary villain in Thor: The Dark World and, while still very formidable, was very different to the version of the character seen in the comic books. The comic book version is, by default, the most powerful of the Dark Elves. Possessing almost unrivalled physical strength and durability, his strength was further enhanced on various occasions by way of a mystical armour that he would wear in battle. Kurse also had the ability to mystically track and locate enemies over large differences and had a vulnerability to iron. The live action version was a fairly bog standard Dark Elf to begin with, but was enhanced to become one of "the Kursed Ones" when he crushed a Kursed Stone in his hands. It caused him to grow in size and strength quite dramatically, but also meant that he would die just a few hours later. He possessed no tracking abilities and no apparent weakness to iron.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.