20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

18. Korath

Korath is a very different character in the comics when compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe version. There's a very obvious difference in appearance and size, but there's more to it than that. Known as the "Pursuer" in the comics, Korath is a very powerful member of the Kree race who was subjected to cyber-genetic engineering and, as a result, was considerably stronger and more durable than the average Kree. An expert in both cyber-genetics and martial arts, he has both a formidable body and mind. He has the ability to psionically locate individuals by tracing their brain patterns - hence his name. He can fly and possesses two batons that emit blasts powerful enough to stun even the most powerful entities. The Marvel Cinematic Universe version - in spite of the fact that he was portrayed by the superb Djimon Hounsou - was really nothing more than a flunky. He displayed no esoteric powers of note and, while he was obviously a formidable warrior, was killed fairly easily by Drax.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.