20 Most Controversial Movies Since 2000

17. Ken Park

Ken Park
Fortissimo Films

Larry Clark is no stranger to courting controversy - from his early film Kids through to Bully he's proven that he isn't afraid to tackle the subject matter of youthful experimentation warts and all. That his films have sometimes been considered exploitative isn't remotely surprising - underage sex and excessive drug use are common themes, frequently depicted with an unflinching - some might say voyeuristic - camera.

Ken Park is no exception - co-directed with Ed Lachman and based on a story by Harmony Korine, it follows the life of a suicidal teen who casually shoots himself in the head in a crowded skate park. Featuring a roster of lost souls dealing with emotional and physical abuse, it's a sordid tale of masochism, degradation and unfulfilled lives. It's also not particularly insightful - Clark, it seems, is overstretching himself with what seems to be an uncomfortable ongoing obsession with the corruptibility of youth, and by this stage in his career his voyeuristic approach can't help but come across as lewd and exploitative.

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