20 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Transformers Franchise
17. Rosie-Huntington Whiteley Makes Everyone Miss Megan Fox (Dark Of The Moon)
Even though Mikaela wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, Megan Fox was at least a more convincing actress than Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who took over the female protagonist role in Dark of the Moon, and did absolutely nothing with it (not that there was much to do). There's one hilariously awful scene that makes it clear a) how little Bay cares about his female characters and b) how poor an actress she is: when her character (IMDB says her name is Carly) gets caught up in all the explosive Transformer mayhem, Bay slows time down and lingers on her gormless expression, all while kitted out with perfect make-up and wonderfully-curled hair. It's one of the most infamous scenes in the series, and serves as a reminder that, despite how keen people are to criticise Megan Fox's acting, she actually didn't do a particularly terrible job with the questionable material she had. Carly was a 100% forgettable character, whereas Mikaela at least had a little personality and cattiness.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.