20 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Transformers Franchise
16. George Bush Has A "Cameo" (Transformers)
Of all the cringe-worthy scenes Transformers fans have had to put up with over the years, one of the worst is the "cameo" by George "Dubya" Bush in the original 2007 film. While Frenzy is busy infiltrating Air Force One, the then-President of the United States is lying on his bed, his face disguised by a pair of red socks, as he asks a flight attendant to bring him some Ding Dongs because, you know, Bush is, well, a total ding dong himself... The scene is extra queasy because the political tone of the Transformers series is, with its militaristic fetishism, quite clearly right-leaning (though Age of Extinction does, with its heavy lack of faith in the government, begin to tilt back the other way), and so to take a jibe at the political right's most high-profile figure is a tad strange. Or perhaps this is just reading way too deep into a Michael Bay movie... Even ignoring the political implications, it's a groan-worthy, desperate attempt to inject some topicality into a film that doesn't at all need it.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.