20 Most Cringeworthy Moments In The New Star Trek Movies

11. Mr. Scott, In Engineering, In The Pipes From Star Trek

Remember how we said there would be more of the Brewery... uh, Engineering later in this list? We've now come to the water tour of the deck, drippingly brought to us by future Chief of Engineering Montgomery Scott. Perhaps this scene has been included to keep us from thinking too much about the implications of having a transporter equation that can beam a person from one stationary point in the universe to another point that is moving at warp. With that sort of technology, who needs starships at all? That's silly, isn't it? Apparently, it's not as silly as beaming oneself into a water reclamation conduit and being pushed like a cork though all of the pipes before finally being rescued. See, the cringiness doesn't come from this facility existing on a starship - given how many crewmembers they have aboard, and given that they're probably not replicating water yet, that makes sense. Bet the water's going to taste of haggis and Scotch for a few days, though.

Tony Whitt has previously written TV, DVD, and comic reviews for CINESCAPE, NOW PLAYING, and iF MAGAZINE. His weekly COMICSCAPE columns from the early 2000s can still be found archived on Mania.com. He has also written a book of gay-themed short stories titled CRESCENT CITY CONNECTIONS, available on Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle format. Whitt currently lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.