20 Most Cringeworthy Moments In The New Star Trek Movies

12. "I Can Do That!" From Star Trek

We got this as a suggestion from a reader, and we're amazed we had to be reminded about it. It's one thing to show us that Young Chekov is vastly enthusiastic and a good bit smarter than his Star Trek Universe 1.0 counterpart. It's another thing entirely to bash us over the head with it. It goes like this: the Enterprise's transporters can't get a lock on Kirk and Sulu because they're falling. (As we discover in these movies, the transporters never work.) This sends Chekov, who's monitoring from the Bridge, into a spastic fit, causing him to shout "I can do that! I can do that!" and to run from the room to the transporters. After lots of overly frenetic poking at a touchscreen, he manages to lock on, they materialize above the pad just as they're about to hit the surface of Vulcan, Chekov gives a hearty "Hot damn!" in Russian, and all is well with the world. Until, of course, he can't repeat the same feat with Spock's mom a few minutes later. Awkward... Hard to say what makes this scene so cringey, especially since it's not apparently being played for laughs - but if it's being played for tension, why is it so dumb?

Tony Whitt has previously written TV, DVD, and comic reviews for CINESCAPE, NOW PLAYING, and iF MAGAZINE. His weekly COMICSCAPE columns from the early 2000s can still be found archived on Mania.com. He has also written a book of gay-themed short stories titled CRESCENT CITY CONNECTIONS, available on Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle format. Whitt currently lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.