20 Most Critically Reviled Films Of 2014

2. I, Frankenstein

3% - 86 Reviews Mary Shelly's iconic, classic work of literature was subtitled €œThe Modern Prometheus€, and perhaps mankind should have paid more attention to the none-too-subtle moral of her story. If we had, perhaps we might not have decided to play god with Aaron Eckhart's career, and forced him to star in a frankly inexplicable €œreboot€ of FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER, of all things, which re-casts him as an immortal superhero who's survived the fall of man and stalks a post-apocalyptic landscape. Yes, that is what happens in I, Frankenstein. Bill Nighy shows up as a scenery-chewing demon. Next big thing Jai Courtney plays the €œleader of the gargoyle army€. It's based on a graphic novel you've never heard of, and nobody has ever read, by the guy who wrote the Underworld films, which look like high cinema compared to this monstrosity. Choice review quote: €œEckhart plays Frankenstein's monster in a monotonous, teeth-gritting mode, as if someone had one gun on him and another on his family.€ (Vulture)

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/