After graduating from the California Institute of the Arts, filmmaker Andrew Stanton began a long and decorated career in animation. His first major job was as a writer in the iconic animated series Mighty Mouse, the New Adventures. In the early 1990s, he became only the ninth member of a small and little-known animation studio known as Pixar ever heard of it? Since that time, Stanton has served as a writer or director on practically all of Pixars animated masterpieces Toy Story, A Bugs Life, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Wall-E. You name it, Stanton has worked on it. He won his very first Oscar for Wall-E in 2008, a film which he both wrote and directed. In 2012, Stanton made his first attempt at a live-action feature with the epic space fantasy John Carter. Unfortunately, the film received a rather tepid response from both audiences and critics alike. Still, one less-than-stellar outing shouldnt come close to overshadowing Andrew Stantons other accomplishments. This year well get to see him return to Pixar Studios for Finding Dory, the long-awaited sequel to 2003s Finding Nemo. When it comes to animation, Stanton has yet to make a single misstep. Can he make Finding Dory as acclaimed as the Toy Story sequels? The smart money is on yes.
Spencer is a Film Studies major at the Rhode Island College in Providence. He is a professional video editor, hopeful screenwriter, aspiring director, and prays that his ambitions aren't just starry-eyed daydreams. Follow him on twitter @NotSpencerSerra