20 Flawless Scenes From 2021 Movies

9. Malignant - Gabriel's Rampage

dune oscar isaac
Warner Bros.

Malignant is one of the weirdest horror films ever made.

Not only is it bonkers, but it really doesn't start out very well as the performances and writing are wildly hit-or-miss. And then, at the start of the third act, the film drops the big twist and the film abruptly becomes awesome.

It appears that the killer seen throughout the film is actually protagonist Madison (Annabelle Wallis)... only it isn't. As is discovered in probably the biggest WTF moment of the year, Madison has a parasitic twin attached to her - a malevolent, sentient tumour named Gabriel.

This reveal sets the stage for one of the most unhinged, shocking and fiendishly entertaining climaxes in recent memory as the virtually unstoppable Gabriel (operating Madison's body backwards) massacres his way through a police station.

It's a beautifully-filmed, gore-soaked masterpiece of a climax, filmed with verve and energy you'd expect from a superhero movie fight scene, and it's by far and away one of the maddest things ever-seen in a big-budget horror film.

When watching this ending, you'll forget all of the film's other failings. It really is that great.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.