20 Ghostbusters Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

1. The Second Film Was Purposefully More Like The Cartoon

Bill Murray famously told Entertainment Weekly he was very disappointed with the way that Ghostbusters II turned out. He commented "It was a whole lot of slime, and not much of us." Part of the reason why the sequel feels so different €“ and looks different, for some characters €“ is because the franchise had become a huge cultural force between films. Specifically, the whole thing had become way more popular with kids as a result of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. As a result, everyone involved decided they should probably bring the film more in line with the cartoon, so as to appeal to their bigger audience. That's why Janine has red hair in the sequel, why Slimer had a cameo appearance (he lives in the firehouse in the cartoon), none of the Ghostbusters are seen smoking any more, and the spirits are all way less spooky. Also: more gadgets ripe for toys!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/