20 Gory Movie Moments That Left Horror Fans Cheering

17. EDB Club Massacre - The Collection (2012)

In 2009, Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton gave us The Collector, which, in addition to being a dark and bloody enjoyable horror gem, was possibly the greatest Home Alone sequel ever conceived. With that, in keeping with grand horror tradition, a franchise bloomed. The Collection once again follows masked machinist killer the Collector, who returns to menace more innocents; this time though, things are taken up a few thousand notches.

The film begins with a group of friends attending a secret party at an undisclosed location. As everyone is dancing the night away a series of deadly traps are triggered. First, a large combine crosses the dance floor, shredding hundreds of people into human kabobs. Then a frightened girl steps on a trip wire, causing a thin sword to fly out of a hallway, hitting hordes of people in the chest and neck. Finally, a small room locks shut with two steel bar barriers, and the Collector is spotted standing on a crate panel shaft in all of his glory.

Sure, most of the blood is CGI but it's still a slick, wickedly funny, and brazenly over-the-top moment that any gorehound should be able to appreciate.

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com