20 Greatest Spaceships Ever To Appear On Screen

4. Discovery One

Appears in: 2001: A Space Odyssey The greatness of the ship Discovery One doesn€™t lie in having a spectacular design or hugely impressive powers. It is one of the best ships in science fiction because it is wholly believable. Stanley Kubrick made sure to work with scientists and experts so that the craft would be as realistic as possible. It has a centrifuge that contained the crew quarters to maintain moon-like gravity as well as smaller vehicles for travelling outside of the ship. Of course the Discovery One also came loaded with the ship computer HAL-9000 which runs all life support and other essential systems on the ship. However it is liable to the odd act of insanity every now and then.

3. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

Appears in: Star Trek The USS Enterprise has gone through nearly as many regenerations as The Doctor. However we think the NCC-1701-D is the best of the bunch. Captained by Jean-Luc Piccard this version features several improvements. The distinctive saucer section of the spacecraft could separate from the other section, allowing civilians to remain safely behind in combat or to ask as a second ship in battle for strategic purposes. It included a large number of medical bays, scientific labs and could carry over 1000 crew. It was also handy in a battle, featuring phaser arrays, photon torpedoes and a high capacity shield.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.